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Important: When entering your search string don't write “www” or the Maltan domain type, ie. “”. Therefore to search “” enter “nominate” and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.


To register your Maltan domain, click here!

.Malta Fact Sheet is the official country code top-level domain of Malta.
CountryName :Malta
IDN Capable1 :No
Delete Protection Available2 :No
Secure Transfer Available3 :No
SnapBack Available4 :1
Minimum Renewal Period :1 year(s)
Maximum Renewal Period :1 year(s)
Default Renewal Period for New Registrations :1 year(s)
Positive Renewal Required :1
Grace Period5 :1 day(s)
Autorenew Grace Period6 :1 day(s)
Domain Must be Renewed Before Expiry :No
Transfer Prohibited Period7 :- day(s)
Redemption Period8 : days
Redemption Fee9 :£90.00
Intended Use :Entities connected with Malta
Actual Use :Popular in Malta
1. IDN (Internationalized Domain Names) Capable domain names can contain non ASCII characters that are used in languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. That is characters in addition to: a-z, 0-9 or "-". Please note Nominate will not process IDN domain names at this time.
2. Only when a domain name has exceeded its renewal date by 1 year - without being renewed - will it then be deleted.
3. An extra level of security is added to inter-registrar transfers; where telephone calls and physical proof of identification are required to verify the transfer.
4. Snapback can automatically notify you of changes to the registration records, potential cyberjacking attacks, site redirection and unauthorised transfers. Also if your domain name is accidentally deleted or cancelled (due to non-renewal) it will automatically attempt to re-register it for you.
5. The Grace Period is a specified number of calendar days (typically 5 days) following the registration of a domain name when the operation may be reversed.
6. The Autorenew Grace Period is a specified number of calendar days following the automatic renewal of a domain name when the operation may be reversed. If this number is negative the domain name must be renewed before expiry.
7. A transfer away from us will not be allowed, during the Transfer Prohibit Period, this is x days after either the initial registration or a transfer to us.
8. Redemption period. After the domain name has been deleted at the registry it remains recoverable by the original registrar for a fixed time before it is deleted proper. This is the redemption period.
9. Redemption Fee. If the domain name has been deleted by the registrar and not deleted by the registry, it may be possible to recover the domain name for a fee. Typically this is considerably more than the original registration costs as registries typically charge a premium for this service.

International domain names from Nominate since 1997